How Children’s Pain in Medical Procedures Has Been Reduced By 95%

No it’s not a miracle cure but it’s taking pain away and creating results that are truly astonishing.

There has for some time been a desire to find a solution to make that hospital visit and hospital procedures for children much more bearable. For most small children a visit to the hospital is one that is driven by fear and creates emotional pulls on parents that accompany their children.

Such emotional and stressful moments can have long lasting impacts upon children well into their adult years.

The Quest for a Solution to Reducing Pain in Children

The Tartu University in Estonia had been researching and looking at ways to reduce children’s pain and the fear that hospitals and medical procedures pose for those in their younger years. Many routes had been taken in the search for a solution when the breakthrough moment happened, and it has taken everyone by surprise. What was that surprise solution that reduced pain by as much as 95%?

Well, the answer is, 3D Holographic images.  Yes, holographic images.

How HYPERVSN 3D Technology eases the pain

This latest 3D technology really is ground-breaking, moving holograms to a completely new level. The HYPERVSN Solo technology was installed within the neurology departments procedure room in Tartu University Hospital.

With the 3D imaging technology in place the pain levels were assessed by nurses with the FLACC pain scale before and after the 3D imaging was turned on. When the HYPERVSN solo device was initiated the children were engaged by the 3D characters and did not move.

The joy of seeing 3D characters that they knew distracted them from pain and removed the sensation of pain away for up to 95% of cases. The current study shows great promise and the application of 3D holographic technology has produced results beyond expectations.

Discover more about our 3D Technology here: or if you would like to discuss a project, please give us a call on 01279 703070 or email
